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2020 Year-end Summary Meeting
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2020 Year-end Summary Meeting

TIME:2021-11-16 09:02:31  

A year-end summary meeting on January 23, 2021. Due to the COVID-19, all our employees made a summary of 2020 in the company. We look back on the gains and shortcomings of this year, and look forward to 2021 vigorously and aggressively. The company commended the outstanding employees, top perfomers, outstanding team, outstanding managers and major contribution awards. We also held a happy dinner and lucky prize activities.

The 2020 annual meeting was successfully ended in a warm and joyful atmosphere. Blessings: ISCM will have a better and brighter tomorrow, and all our undertakings in 2021 will be more brilliant. I wish you all: A Happy Chinese New Year and A Happy Family!





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